Dyed Green

The Pocket, the Head, & the Heart: Farming for the Future in the Burren

Episode Summary

The Irish poet and philosopher John O’Donohue described being born in the Burren, with its surreal, limestone landscape as a “huge, wild invitation to extend your imagination.” Located in County Clare, on Ireland’s west coast, not only is the Burren is one of the country’s most biodiverse regions—seventy percent of Irish native flora can be found there—it has been grazed for 6,000 years. Today, the Burren is celebrated for its High Nature Value farming, a forward-thinking sustainable management practice which allow farmers to make a living while fostering the delicate ecological balance the area requires. On this episode, we speak with Brendan Dunford of the Burrenbeo Trust about the role of farmers in protecting landscapes and improving environmental health, the benefits of results-based payment systems, and how appealing to a farmer’s pocket, head, and heart is the best way to encourage them to farm for nature and the climate. Tune in for an upbeat, inspirational conversation featuring a true climate visionary.

Episode Notes

The Irish poet and philosopher John O’Donohue described being born in the Burren, with its surreal, limestone landscape as a “huge, wild invitation to extend your imagination.” Located in County Clare, on Ireland’s west coast, not only is the Burren is one of the country’s most biodiverse regions—seventy percent of Irish native flora can be found there—it has been grazed for 6,000 years. Today, the Burren is celebrated for its High Nature Value farming, a forward-thinking sustainable management practice which allow farmers to make a living while fostering the delicate ecological balance the area requires.

On this episode, we speak with Brendan Dunford of the Burrenbeo Trust about the role of farmers in protecting landscapes and improving environmental health, the benefits of results-based payment systems, and how appealing to a farmer’s pocket, head, and heart is the best way to encourage them to farm for nature and the climate. Tune in for an upbeat, inspirational conversation featuring a true climate visionary.

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Dyed Green is a project of Bog & Thunder, whose mission is to highlight the best of Irish food and culture, through food tours, events, and media. Find out more at www.bogandthunder.com.

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